So tonight, I did want to make my favorite Dominican desert or as I call it the Dominican luxury. I call our culture's dishes a luxury because we have the privilege of eating so well and being able to cook so well! Like I was saying I did want to introduce my boyfriend to sweet cream of beans, or habichuela con dulce in spanish, but I been all tied up with work and school. Although it might sound strange it is a dish to fall in love with. I remember as a little girl eating habichuela con dulce and I would have never imagined it was made of beans, who would of thought. Even though I won't have the time to make it tonight I do want my readers to try the recipe at home and enjoy the luxury of being Dominican.
Ingredients :
- 1 can of red kidney beans
- 1/2 cup of raisins
- 2 cinnamon sticks
- 2 cups of coconut milk
- 3 cups of milk
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
- 1/2 lb of sweet potatoes
- 10 cloves
- 1 cup of sugar
A day before you must prep and soak the beans in water
The next day, to get started
- Change the water and boil the beans til they are tender
- Take all contents from pot including water and transfer to blender and blend
- Strain the beans
- Boil the liquid of the beans, coconut water and half the milk
- Add the remainder of ingredients and boil for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally
And that is the recipe to the amazing habichuela con dulce dish. You can eat habichuela con dulce either hot or chilled and preferably with milk cookies. I promise you will fall in love with this dish and as I said in the beginning it might seem like a strange combination of ingredients but the strangest combinations sometimes have the best result. I will look forward into introducing many more of my favorite Dominican dishes, and please give me feedback if you do experiment...Enjoy readers!
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